My Outfit Overviews

March 11's Outfit Overview

Dirty Hair, Who cares?

So this morning was a little rough on my part. I could blame it on the time change, and I will. Is anyone else feeling it as much as I am? My usual wakeup time at 7am now feels like it's 6am. And it is rough. My hair has taken the blunt of it though. I meant to take a shower this morning, but that didn't happend. My sleep deprived body just wouldn't let me get up... seriously, I had no energy to move. Nevertheless, I still had to get up. Unfortunity, not early enough for a shower, but who's counting? It was nothing a little dry shampoo and texture spray couldn't handle. Plus, dirty hair makes for the perfect sloppy ballerina bun! Check it out, and tell me what you think! XOXO Kate

Because I had no time, this is a picture from within my prison... Aka school.. Sorry guys, not too pretty of a background or tile flooring...


Don't forget to share if you like what you see!! XOXO Kate 💕

March 8th's Outfit Overview

Give it to God

Happy Sunday my friends:) Sunday's are especially close to my heart, not only because I get to go and worship God, but because it always makes for a better week. It always leaves me happy and inspired and hopeful, and I love that. Who wouldn't? 

So this morning, I slipped on a soft, quarter sleeved blush blouse and my favorite high waisted skinnies. To be able to show off my high waisted jeans, I tucked my shirt in, in the front and wore a thin tan belt. I finished it off with a gold chained necklace with bow details and some gold drop earrings. For shoes, I wore my blue loafers. I ended up slightly folding the bottom of my jeans up to make my look more polished and complete. Lastly, I pushed all of my hair to the side, and secured it with a elastic. Perfect and Simple. Check it out, and tell me what you think! XOXO Kate

Shoes- somewhere in Italia  
Belt- H&M
Shirt- AE 
Earrings- Loft

Love you guys ❤️ see you soon! XOXO Kate 

March 4th's Outfit Overview

Puffer Vests and V Necks

One of my favorite things about March is the rain. Though April is known for its rain, I think March actually might be close to April in that category! I like the rain because that means that I can wear my rain boots. And I love, love, love my rain boots. Last summer when I visited England with my family, my mom and I managed to pick up some rain boots, or wellies as they refer to them in England, at the cutest little store ever. Joules. If I had to compare it to an American brand, C Wonder would probably be the most like it. If you've ever been in C Wonder, then you know that it is possibly the cutest shop ever. I was so happy when I found them because they were perfect. Unique and inexpensive! Plus, what better place to buy wellies than in London?? I know the big trend is the Hunter boots, but really, why would you spend so much money on shoes that are meant to get muddy and wet? I got mine for $62 compared to $150. A definite bargin. Plus, in my opinion, mine are cuter!!

So when I woke up this morning to the rain pattering against my windows, I was ecstatic. Time to take the rain boots out. The rain boots being my inspiration, I grabbed my navy blue puffer vest, a demin quarter-sleeved shirt from Hollister, and my favorite dark wash skinnies. As for the accessories, I wore my Kate Spade nude watch and some dangy earrings from American Eagle. Check it out, and tell me what you think in the comments below, XOXO Kate.
Puffer Vest- J. Crew
Demin Shirt- Hollister
Skinnies- American Eagle
Rain boots- Joules

Watch- Kate Spade

Earrings- American Eagle
Have a Fabulous rainy day, my lovelies!! I know I will!

March 2nd's Outfit Overview

Sweaters and Tanks

Waking up with the sun shining into your room is probably the best feeling ever. It makes getting up a lot easier. Plus, I seem to have more energy when this happens, which is something I can always use more of in the mornings. Now that February is offically over, and the snow is melting, I am now beginning to imagine warmer weather and blue skies. And I couldn't be more ecstatic. I know I'm not the only one either. My best friend, Virginia, was even half awake this morning, which is huge. Usually I'm talking to myself for the first three hours of school. That girl seriously can't function before 10:30am. But like I was saying, I woke up this morning in a really good mood. I guess you could say I'm kind of a morning person (I'm sure you are shaking your head in disgust at this inhuman revelation, but for some reasons, I find mornings very promising), but today was different. I was ready to conquer the world before having my first cup of coffee this morning. Yes, my friends, the universe was on my side.
Plus, did I mention that it is supposed to be in the fifties this week? This is huge for us Virginians. We've been in the twenties and teens since the end of January, and we're tired of it. Fifties isn't exactly perfect, but I'll take what I can get. So, when getting dressed this morning, I kept the temperature in mind, choosing to wear a burgundy embelleshed tank with my favorite grey Grandpa Sweater and skinny jeans. For shoes, I choose my favorite burgundy flats, which worked to my advantage. When accessorizing, I went simple, because it is still a Monday, by wearing my nude Kate Spade watch, and gold studs, to match the embellishments on my tank. Check it out, and tell me what you think in the comments! XOXO Kate
Tank- Express

Sweater- Gap

Shoes- Modcloth(Qupid)

February 23rd's Outfit Overview

Colorful Workout

After a week of snow days and doing nothing but nonstop Netflix and TLC, (aka 90210 and Say Yes to the Dress), today I decided was the day to finally get off my butt. Which meant, I needed to work out. With track right around the corner (tomorrow), I knew that if I didn't at least pick up a weight or two, I would be in serious trouble (Coach Ham, I am truly sorry I ate all those cookies). I'm a hurdler, ladies, and you and I both know, there is no way I am making it over those things without some stamina. Though I did cheer for basketball all winter, let's be honest, I did NOT stay in shape. How could I too? Imagine cheering two to three times a week, with concession stand aromas wafting around you. Plus, you haven't been home to eat since 7:30 this morning, and lunch was at 12:20! Would YOU be able to resist? Never mind that, the point is, I was in dire need of some abs crunches and planks.

Being the type of girl who likes to eat, I told myself that if I did two miles on the treadmill and some weight lifting, I would reward myself with a few little extra snacks in my lunch box tomorrow ( why yes, cookie jar, I'm talking about you). Why not, right?

That wasn't the only thing that was holding me back though. I'm like any other girl out there. I do better when I've got some super cute clothes backing me up. Nothing beats the justified smile that creeps onto your face when you know you look cute, am I right? Well, it's the same thing when you work out. No one may be able to see you, but you can. And you are your worst critic (plus, an excuse for more shopping is always welcome here) So with a little help from JCPenny, I picked up these awfully cute, awfully colorful leggings. Perfect for all type of workouts. Plus, they were inexpensive ($15), the icing on the cake...( Did someone say icing??) They scream confidence. Plus, I paired it with my Smith Mtn. Lake tee which just helped me realize that spring is around the corner, and eventually, I will have to get my bikini back out of my dresser. The last bullet point on my "Why you Need To Work Out" list.

So before working out, I put together some pictures of what I wore to sweat in today. Check it out yourselves, and let me know in the comments what you think. Plus, post a picture of your workout outfit and tell us about it! Until next time, XOXO Kate.

Leggings- JCPenny

P.S- I thought it would be cute if I put Sophie in the picture because of the pillow, and being the primadonna that she is, she agreed. The camera loves her, to say the least.

Wanna see what I do to workout? Check in later this week for my Top Ten Workouts post. XOXO Kate

 January 10th's Outfit Overview

Relaxed Saturday's

Scarf: Esty
Shirt: American Eagle
Jeans: Loft
Boots: Bandolinos  
Bag: Louis Vuitton Speedy 
Watch: Kate Spade

Happy Saturday, lovelies! Hope you enjoyed these pictures!! XO Kate

January 5th's Outfit Overview

Hello my lovelies, and congratulations! You have just made it through yet another Monday. Yes! This is huge! I hope it wasn't too terrible, and that you managed to have a decent day. Sadly for me, my alarm did not go off on time, but that is ok! Because thankfully, I had referred to my attack list,  (if you haven't seen that yet, then check out my last post, Monday Mayhems) and had planned my outfit the night before. Just to make my life a little bit easier. 

Anyways, with no further ado, I give to you, my Monday outfit overview:

Sweater-  Black knit: H&
Leggings- Black: 
Scarf- Red, Black, and tan- T.J Maxx
Watch- Tan leather- Kate
Purse- Black leather tote: Kate
Shoes- Black suede wedges: The Lucky

I'll be honest with you. This look was designed purely around the fact that I wanted to be cozy, but still look cute and chic at the same time. To achieve this look, I paired some black leggings ( to find out more about how to wear legging and still remain classy, check out my Monday Mayhems post!) with a oversized black sweater as my main pieces. Then, to break it up a bit, I added a checkered red, black and tan scarf.  And to finish the look, I put in some simple white pearls and addes a tan leather watch. 

An outfit like this is great for Monday's because it is cozy and warm, but also allows you to remain a sophisticated and classy girl at the same time.I hope this helped!!!

Need advice on a outfit for a special occasion or just want me to help you figure out what to pair with what? Comment below or email me on my personal email which is listed below. Don't be afraid to reach out!This blog is for you guys. Take advantage because this is why I'm here. Also, don't forget to share my blog and follow my account on Instagram and Pinterest which is listed somewhere on the side bar to your right! ----->
Anyways, love you guys! And I hope that your Monday was a good as a Monday can get! Haha check back for more outfit updates throughout the week! Bye bye for now! XO Kate



  1. Cute outfit!

    God bless,
    XO, Claire

  2. So chic in all-black! Thanks for sharing with Visible Monday.
