Wednesday, March 11, 2015

March 11's Outfit Overview: Dirty hair, Who Cares?

So this morning was a little rough on my part. I could blame it on the time change, and I will. Is anyone else feeling it as much as I am? My usual wakeup time at 7am now feels like it's 6am. And it is rough. My hair has taken the blunt of it though. I meant to take a shower this morning, but that didn't happend. My sleep deprived body just wouldn't let me get up... seriously, I had no energy to move. Nevertheless, I still had to get up. Unfortunity, not early enough for a shower, but who's counting? It was nothing a little dry shampoo and texture spray couldn't handle. Plus, dirty hair makes for the perfect sloppy ballerina bun! Check it out, and tell me what you think! XOXO Kate

Because I had no time, this is a picture from within my prison... Aka school.. Sorry guys, not too pretty of a background or tile flooring... 


Don't forget to share if you like what you see!! XOXO Kate 💕

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