Monday, January 5, 2015

Monday Mayhems

Hello my lovelies! The dreaded Mondays are back. The ones that don't involve sleeping in and waking up when you feel like it. No, these Mondays are awful.You're alarm is set, your clothes are set out, and your lunch is made. Plus, what could be worse than starting the second semester on a MONDAY! What were they thinking, right? 
But do not fear! There are ways to make this Monday more bearable, and I'm here to share with you these Monday hacks.
  1.  First, numero uno on the my attack list, pick out your outfit the night before. Why? Because I've had way too many Monday mornings where EVERYTHING goes wrong. My alarm doesn't go off on time, or I slept through it, my hair isn't corroperating, and on top of it all, there is nothing for breakfast!! No one is ammune to these! So, my thought pattern was, why not just get your frantic 'I have nothing to wear' spill out of the way the night before? Yes! It is a big Monday morning saver! It is one less thing to worry about when everything else goes down the gutter. ( to see what I wore today, check out my January 5th outfit overview!)
  2. Number two, perfect hair is NOT important today. Have you ever had those morning where your hair isn't doing ANYTHING? Of course you have! So, to help you deal with this, I have put together some simple updoes to share that are fun and cute, plus, if it's a little messy, it only completes the look. 
  3. Number three, leggings are a good invention. Yes, I approve! Thank you Legging Goddess for giving us the blessed gift of these soft, flexible, pants. They are a god-sent. BUT before you get too excited I do have one rule for you, my lovelies. To wear leggings, you have to be able to cover your front and your butt. No, I do not, along with everyone else, want to see your crotch. Plus, it creates bad attention. You don't want to be known for your crotch, and if you do... well then you have other problems to worry about. So, I have put together some of my favorite options to wear with leggings just to give you guys some inspiration. 

Thanks for reading this post! I appreciate it tremendously! Don't forget, if you have any questions at all, comment below! Also, if you like me enough, and you feel like sharing my blog, hit me up on Pinterest at World-Class and on instagram @world_class_fashion. Thank you all for your support! I love you guys! XO Kate

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