Helpful Hacks

How to get the Most out of Your Wardrobe

We all get bored with our wardrobes ever once and a while.... some more than others (ME), and it's going to happen. It's part of being a fashion diva, or just being a girl in general! So, I've decided to share with you all some of the 'battle strategies' that I use when I am having a creative block.

  1. Anything goes when it comes to fashion- Don't be afraid to mix and match prints. In today's fashion world, there really isn't a lot of rules that you need to follow! And for this, we are lucky! In the 19th and 20th century, women had certain ways they were expected to dress, but not anymore! Times have changed ladies; there are no longer any strict guidelines that limit our creativity! Don't worry about breaking the rules because they have already been broken over and over again. Put some leopard print together with some funky neon shoes, or maybe where a tribal printed shirt with an equally as bright scarf. The sky is the limited as long as it is tasteful and still you. 
  2. The Long- Lost items-  You know that cute necklace that you have hanging by your dresser, or that scarf that you have in the back of you closet that you never seem to think about wearing? Well, I want you pull those little items out of the back of your closet, and set them down on your bed. Think about them. Think about why you bought them, and what emotion you expressed when picking this item. Were you feeling love at first sight? Or maybe excitement? Joy? Or maybe you were just in the mood for something a little bit different than usual. Whatever emotion that comes to mind, think about something else in your closet that you love that also made you feel this emotion. This is something I use a lot. It may sound silly, but I'm not kidding you. Whenever I am having trouble matching a never worn item to something in my closet, I use this strategy. What I love about this is that no matter how hard of an item it is to match, I can always match it by emotion. It almost always works.
  3. Accessorize- Man do I love my accessories. Vera Wang once said something along the lines of " When wondering how to shop for things to spice up your wardrobe, buy accessories. They can change your look completely." It wasn't exactly this, but I remember thinking, "This is so true!" Because I could where a cute pink satin shirt with bangles and a pearl necklace one day, and then turn around the next day and where the same exact shirt, but with hoop earrings and a statement necklace, and people would never know the difference. Accessories are extremely valuable when it comes to 'spicing' up your favorite outfits. Don't worry if you wore the same shirt last week, worry about what accessories you wore with that shirt, and then change it up! Plus, it's not like people catalog your outfits everyday! They have more important things to worry about. Trust me.  Also with accessories, you can do about anything with them! You can layer, wear a necklace as a multi-banded bracelet, or wear gold and silver pieces together, etc.! The sky is not even the limit with accessories! So have fun with them! They are just begging to be put on! 
  4. Pinterest-  What a lovely little site. EVERYTHING you love is in one place under categories that make them easy to find! Plus, you can create "boards" to organize these items! So why not take advantage of it?? You can basically type anything and everything into that little search bar at the top, and it will come up with millions of pins to choose from! All you have to do is pick your favorite! One of my favorite things to do when I need fresh ideas, is do exactly this with the latest trends.. Hint: maybe search " Teen Fashion" then add a certain color or print that shows up a lot in your wardrobe. That way you can maybe get a fresh look at how someone else interpreted the piece. (To see my personal Pinterest, click on this link.)

I hope that you guys found this post helpful! Also, if you want to see pictures of me using these 'battle strategies' then comment below, and I'll consider it if I get enough interest. Or if you just a question about the post, please feel free to type it up, and I will make sure to help you out the best that I can! Don't forget, if you like this blog, share it! The links to my other social media pages are to your right on the side bar (Unless you are on the mobile version. Then you will need to scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on the Full Website Link.) Thanks for taking the time to read this! Happy Monday, XO Kate

January 8th- Color of the Year 

I always look forward to the beginning of a new year. New dreams(sometimes), new hopes, and new fashion. These are not the only reasons though. When I wake up on January 1st of every year, the first thing I like to do is google the New and Improved Color of the Year. It always makes me so excited for the potential new items I can start stocking up on. And this year, was no exception. So, when January 1st came around this year, I jumped on my phone to see what would be my new inspiration for this year's wardrobe. Surprised by their choice, but excited about the promising shade, I read article after article and looked at picture after picture at the new color. Dying to know what color got me so excited? Take a look yourself...

"Much like the fortified wine that gives Marsala its name, this tasteful hue embodies the satisfying richness of a fulfilling meal while its grounding red-brown roots emanate a sophisticated, natural earthiness." says Pantone's executive director Leatrice Eiseman as she describes the new color of the year. I couldn't have said it better myself, Ms. Leatrice Eiseman. One of the reasons I fell in love with this color when I saw it is because of it's warmth and earthiness. Some of the past colors that have been selected have been bold and bright, kind of like they are screaming at you for attention, but marsala is quite the opposite. It makes you want to dye your fuzziest blanket, find a quiet place to sit, and dive right into a good book. Am I right, ladies?

If you're wondering what designers have done with this shade, don't worry I've already put together a quick list of pictures. So, ladies, put your inspired caps on and start thinking of some ways you can put Marsala into your everyday wardrobe. 

January 6th- My Top Five Closet Essentials

If picture is not loading then click this link ---> My Top Five 2k15 Closet Essentials

Greetings Friends! Welcome back! If this is your first time here with us, then head over to my All About Me page to learn more about me and my philosophy towards fashion for teens! XO Kate

So today I wanted to talk to you about what my personal Go-To Closet Items. A lot of my friends have asked me before, " How do you always look so put together? What is your secret?" And to this I tell them, " It's all the essentials." Everyone always has a secret to their outfits, and I'm going to share with you My Top Five Closet Essentials.

1. My Trusty Skinny Jeans- My gosh, I would not be able to form a coherent outfit... or sentence, without my skinnies. I literally love them so much. They are an absolute must to my everyday outfit. I think I may own one or two pairs of boot cut, but skinnies are the ruler of my bottom drawer. I personally like the dark wash skinnies at American Eagle . Especially when there is a big sale right before school on all of their jeans. I go crazy. My second favorite place to buy skinnies is at Loft. The ones that I live in are their Modern Skinny jeans. They are the boom. Plus, after a few washes, they are so soft and comfy. Perfect for when you wanna look nice, but still wanna be toasty warm in your favorite sweatpants. The only reason I prefer American Eagle over Loft jeans is because of the price. Loft is a little hefty when you're on a tight budget, and AE jeans fit the bill perfectly. But, on a good sale day, you can get Loft jeans for a reasonable price.

2. My Pearly- White Pearls- These are always a good bet. Pearls are both versatile and chic, so they go with about every outfit imaginable. Whatever the occasion, pearls always come through for me. My pearls were a gift to me from a mom, but my fake bigger pearls are from Loft. I love them just the same.
Plus, when I need more of an eye catcher, I go for my Loft pair . When I need something a little understated, I use my real pearls that way it balances my outfit.

3. A Watch- Why is this an essential on my list you may ask? Well, watches are a great accessory for a girl on the move. Especially when you are in high school. We all know that the clocks in school are never trustworthy. So, my philosophy, buy a watch and keep track of the time yourself. Plus, I always love the little designs that they put in the watch itself. They are so unique and colorful that it can spice up can any one of your outfits. I have a couple of different watches that I am in love with. My certain favorite of the month, was a gift that I got for Christmas. It is a simple tan leather watch with gold accents from Kate Spade. It is gorgeous. It is both youthful and classic... which we all know is my favorite combination.

My next favorite watch, is a Garmin watch. If you have ever seen these watches, then you know that they are used for monitoring fitness and health. That is not the only great thing about these watches though. They are also quite cute! They come in a lot of different colors and designs to fit your personality. I personally have a black and pink one that I where for Track, but also if I'm wearing a more casual outfit. I have had many compliments on this bad boy.

4.  Cute Graphic Tees-  Whenever I want to wear a cute cardigan/ sweater, I always turn to my graphic tees from Loft to help me complete my look. They are so soft and flexible that I even sleep in them! Plus, Loft has an amazing selection of graphic tees that are adorable and wearable for all ages. My favorite, you saw me wearing last night in my Messy and Cute Hairstyle video (If you want to check out this video, visit my Monday Mayhems post). Here are few, quick examples of some of the selection they have a Loft.

5. Flats- I love myself some cute, comfortable flats. I probably own about six pairs of different colored flats!! My favorite place to purchase flats is on I know a lot of people are nervous to buy shoes online, but Modcloth thought ahead! On the description, they make it easy for you to decide what size you will need by telling you if you need to size up or size down based on fit. It is a life savor. Here are some examples of cute flats from Modcloth that I am in absolute love with.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post! I had fun creating it, and I hope it was helpful! Questions or comments, leave them below, and I will try my best to answer you back! Don't forget to share this blog if you like it enough! Also, follow me on Instagram and Pinterest. Usernames are on the side bar--> 
Until next time! XO Kate

January 5th- Monday Mayhems

Hello my lovelies! The dreaded Mondays are back. The ones that don't involve sleeping in and waking up when you feel like it. No, these Mondays are awful.You're alarm is set, your clothes are set out, and your lunch is made. Plus, what could be worse than starting the second semester on a MONDAY! What were they thinking, right?
But do not fear! There are ways to make this Monday more bearable, and I'm here to share with you these Monday hacks.
  1.  First, numero uno on the my attack list, pick out your outfit the night before. Why? Because I've had way too many Monday mornings where EVERYTHING goes wrong. My alarm doesn't go off on time, or I slept through it, my hair isn't corroperating, and on top of it all, there is nothing for breakfast!! No one is ammune to these! So, my thought pattern was, why not just get your frantic 'I have nothing to wear' spill out of the way the night before? Yes! It is a big Monday morning saver! It is one less thing to worry about when everything else goes down the gutter. ( to see what I wore today, check out my January 5th outfit overview, coming soon!)
  2. Number two, perfect hair is NOT important today. Have you ever had those morning where your hair does isn't doing ANYTHING? Of course you have! So, to help you deal with this, I have put together some simple updoes to share that are fun and cute, plus, if it's a little messy, it only completes the look. Check out this link to see my video on Monday Hair Hacks on my YouTube Channel ( World Class Fashion Blog)
  3. Number three, leggings are a good invention. Yes, I approve! Thank you Legging Goddess for giving us the blessed gift of these soft, flexible, pants. They are a god-sent. BUT before you get too excited I do have one rule for you, my lovelies. To wear leggings, you have to be able to cover your front and your butt. No, I do not, along with everyone else, want to see your crotch. Plus, it creates bad attention. You don't want to be known for your crotch, and if you do... well then you have other problems to worry about. So, I have put together some of my favorite options to wear with leggings just to give you guys some inspiration. 

Thanks for reading this post! I appreciate it tremendously! Don't forget, if you have any questions at all, comment below! Also, if you like me enough, and you feel like sharing my blog, hit me up on Pinterest at World-Class and on instagram @world_class_fashion. Thank you all for your support! I love you guys! XO Kate

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