Thursday, March 5, 2015

My Top Most Coveted Trends for Spring

Hello my friends! It's Kate here, reporting to you live from her bed because somehow, she managed to get a snow day when it isn't even snowing. That's right ladies and gentlemen, my county closed school today for rain. I think it's kind of ironic since yesterday it was really bad, lots of fog and rain, which made our country roads very scary. We really should have been closed. Then today, when they were calling for a winter mix and bad road conditions, the schools closed quickly, only to figure out that it was all a hoax. Funny, right?
I can't find it in myself to feel bad though. I mean, why would I hate on a free Netflix and Blogger day, am I right? Plus, I had an Algebra 2 test scheduled for today, and well, I don't think it's necessary to dwell on that much longer. Let's just say I'm glad I'm not taking it today. 
The thing is though, I'm really, really good at wasting my day eating and watching Netflix. I don't really think it's that bad of a habit, but I was told by my mother that it was. Go figure. I'm glad she made me get off though because now I'm excited about writing to you guys all day. When I first started this blog, I had thought that I would have more followers by now and more people reading. Unfortunately, this was not the case. That's ok though because it made me realize that I don't necessarily need to worry about that. I realized that I just liked to write, and talk about my passion, fashion!...Cute, huh? ;) Anyway, I just want you guys to know you that I really do enjoy this blog. I love writing to you all, sharing my style, and nurturing this blog, which has quickly become my baby. I'm an amateur, but weren't we all at one point? I'm a blogger-in-progress, I guess you could say :) 

When it comes to fashion though, well I think that there is really no way to fully understand fashion. I think that when you really think about it, fashion is always changing and evolving, and you're always kind of an amateur! And this spring is no exception to the changes that are always happening in the fashion industry. I find myself on Pinterest under the Spring Fashion category often. It amazes me what beautiful things designers come up with! And I can't wait to get my hands on them! So, today I have put together a list of My Most Coveted Trends that I have spotted on Pinterest. Check it out!!

1.  Gingham

I really love this version of plaid. It was all over Fashion Week, and I can see why. It is a beautiful pattern that is both elegant and fun. Plus, the colors that have already come out in gingham are incredible. The best part is that it can be dressed up or down, making it wearable for almost all occasions.

2. Mid Drift Cut Outs

I think we owe Taylor Swift a thank you for making this popular. What I love about this particular trend is that it is understated sexy while still being classy and dignified, which I think is a rare find. I mean, can it get any better? The answer is probably. 

3. Yellow. Everything.

There really is no reason not to love the color yellow. I mean, God made the sun yellow, so it has to be a pretty awesome color for him to choose it. Plus, it beautiful, chic, and vibrant. All things that every women should care about.  So when I saw so much yellow on Pinterest, I was really excited. Time to bust out my yellow rain coat!

4. White. Head to Toe.

 I love this look because it is so pure and clean. It is the new black if you ask me. It is flattering and beautiful! I told you it would get better! And so the list goes on!

5. Big Bags

Spring is the season it seems for big bags. There's no complaining here! I can't get enough of them!

6. Polo- Inspired Tops

Nothing is more classy and timeless, besides the LBD, than collared shirts. I love that they were incorporated in Fashion Week. I will definitely be stocking up this spring.

7.  Shirt Dress

One trend that carried over from last year was the shirt dress, and one cannot be surprised. They are so chic and comfy that everyone loves them. I think I speak for most in saying that they are here to stay.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post because it was really fun to put together. If you guys like these types of posts, let me know and I'll try to do more like them! XOXO Kate

P.S- After finishing this post, I looked out to find that is it a blizzard outside... good call Kate, good call. Props to you Botetourt County. ;)

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