Sunday, January 11, 2015

Blog Design

Hello, and welcome back to World Class Fashion. If this is your first time, then please feel free to look around as much as you'd like. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them at the bottom of the page. XO Kate

Bonjour, mes amies de fashion! It's Sunday which means everyone is either watching football, or getting ready for the school week by getting organized. Since I spend a little too much time on football, and no time on actually getting anything done, I decided I would start my long list of tasks here, with you guys! 
For a couple of days now,  I've been toying with the idea of changing my blog design. It hasn't really stuck yet because of the fact I'm still a new blogger, and I don't want to confuse readers by changing my design only two weeks into having World Class Fashion. The only reason this idea is still nagging  at me is because I kinda feel like the design is a little dark and unwelcoming. What I would hope to accomplish by changing my design so soon, is a brighter and more relaxing atmosphere that you can sit down with and enjoy. 
But to be able to do this, I knew I needed to consult with you guys on the big decision. I mean what kind of blogger would I be if I made decisions purely based on my thoughts, and my thoughts along? Right? So, to make this process easier for both of us, I have created a poll to your right, on the side bar. It basically gives you the choice of either, "Love the design", " I like it", " It's ok.", and "Change it completely".
I think that basically covers most probable opinions, but if you have something more to say, please, by all means, comment below and tell me more. All comments are welcome and needed!!

Thanks for reading guys, and I hope that you will give me your honest opinion on the poll so that I can make this blog the best that it can be. Constructive criticism is what I live for! Don't forget to check out my past posts too if you haven't already read them! Happy Sunday, XO Kate.

P.S. To make your day a litte bit brighter, here is a picture of little Miss Sophie with an ornament on my her head.


  1. I think the colors are a little dark, but the layout is good. and so is the Parisian theme.
