Wednesday, February 25, 2015

My DMV Experience: The Good and the Bad

Today was an accomplishment in my book. Why? Well drivers, today I received my learner's permit. Yes ladies and gentlemen, that means that I can now drive. Not alone yet, but it's a start. And because I was super stoked that I passed, and my dad was not (bless his heart), I felt like an honorary selfie was appropriate. Take a look.
He thinks he's cute.. Anyways, you know how when you go to take your first picture for your first "licence" ( not really my licence, but let's look over that), everyone tries to look extra good. You hear all these horror stories of people showing up, all dolled up and cute, only to get there, and have that rude consultant who doesn't even wait for you to smile, and snaps the photo in the middle of a blink. It's like, seriously? I have to SHOW people this. Can't you at least give me a moment to flip my hair over my shoulder... this wasn't my problem, but for the sake of an example, you get the gist of it.
As you can imagine, going into the DMV, I was flipping out. "How fast legally can a moped go?", or "between 10pm and 2am, which percent of drivers are drunk?" These are just some of the questions that were rolling through my head as I gave the lady my proof of existence. I mean, how do these question apply to a fifteen year old? Like I would be driving a moped down my dirt road to school, Seriously. So we get our number, and we sit down in the awful plastic chairs (If they're going to make you sit there forever, don't you think they would invest in some cushioned seating?? My poor butt would have appreciated it). My dad's with me, and anyone could tell he was nervous for me. I'm one of his little girls, and though he doesn't want to admit, he really was scared for me. Not that he thought I wouldn't pass, but what if I didn't? He's not good with tears...Which only made me freak out more. A couple minutes pass, then they called my number (Luck of the draw people. If you've ever been to the DMV, then you know what I mean). "T80 to line 10". I walked over to the desk, and to my surprise, the lady was smiling at actual smile from a DMV consultant. God was on my side.
 I was her first costumer though, and I imagine she wasn't smiling by the end of the day ( seriously, DMV's are AWFUL)
" You look nervous honey, you here for your learners?" Smiling, I nodded. And just like that, I calmed down. She was nice! The type of lady that I could respect and actually like. It must have been my lucky day. The picture went like a breeze, and the vision test was a piece of cake.. Cake? I wish I had cake...
The test on the other hand, well, let's just say I'm a nervous test taker. Nothing stresses me out more than timed tests and knowledge on something that is completely new to me. I mean, I studied, but nothing would have prepared me for the questions they were about to ask me. They were ridiculous. Sadly, I don't think I'm actually allowed to tell you those idiotic questions, but take my word for it.
I was so nervous, that I started biting my nails, a habit I had broken years ago. Not cool, Kathryn, not cool. After reviewing it twice, I entered it.I could feel the blood draining from my face. I wasn't even sure if I could look! It was so nerve-racking! Slowly, but surely, I looked up.
 I had passed. I could feel the weight on my shoulders lifting. I had heard awful stories of people studying really hard, only to walk into the DMV and fail by one questions. Luckily, God was with me this morning. I passed. That's all I care about.
Truly, I think my dad was feeling the weight off his shoulders too because he automatically calmed down and agreed to take me to Starbucks for an honorary tiramisu latte. (Starbucks, you really are a true friend). I didn't drive home that day because there is still two feet of snow outside, but I was promised that as soon as the snow melts, I could start. Hears to new adventures and stress!
I still haven't shown you what I wore yet, have I? Check back later, to see my outfit post about what I wore to the DMV!

P.S- What was your DMV experience like? Comment below the good and the bad!


  1. Hehehe, your dad though. Congrats on your permit dear.

    1. He's crazy, but that's why we love him! :) XOXO Kate

    2. And thank you on the congratulations :)
