Monday, February 23, 2015

Colorful Workout

After a week of snow days and doing nothing but nonstop Netflix and TLC, (aka 90210 and Say Yes to the Dress), today I decided was the day to finally get off my butt. Which meant, I needed to work out. With track right around the corner (tomorrow), I knew that if I didn't at least pick up a weight or two, I would be in serious trouble (Coach Ham, I am truly sorry I ate all those cookies). I'm a hurdler, ladies, and you and I both know, there is no way I am making it over those things without some stamina. Though I did cheer for basketball all winter, let's be honest, I did NOT stay in shape. How could I too? Imagine cheering two to three times a week, with concession stand aromas wafting around you. Plus, you haven't been home to eat since 7:30 this morning, and lunch was at 12:20! Would YOU be able to resist? Never mind that, the point is, I was in dire need of some abs crunches and planks.

Being the type of girl who likes to eat, I told myself that if I did two miles on the treadmill and some weight lifting, I would reward myself with a few little extra snacks in my lunch box tomorrow ( why yes, cookie jar, I'm talking about you). Why not, right? 

That wasn't the only thing that was holding me back though. I'm like any other girl out there. I do better when I've got some super cute clothes backing me up. Nothing beats the justified smile that creeps onto your face when you know you look cute, am I right? Well, it's the same thing when you work out. No one may be able to see you, but you can. And you are your worst critic (plus, an excuse for more shopping is always welcome here) So with a little help from JCPenny, I picked up these awfully cute, awfully colorful leggings. Perfect for all type of workouts. Plus, they were inexpensive ($15), the icing on the cake...( Did someone say icing??) They scream confidence. Plus, I paired it with my Smith Mtn. Lake tee which just helped me realize that spring is around the corner, and eventually, I will have to get my bikini back out of my dresser. The last bullet point on my "Why you Need To Work Out" list. 

So before working out, I put together some pictures of what I wore to sweat in today. Check it out yourselves, and let me know in the comments what you think. Plus, post a picture of your workout outfit and tell us about it! Until next time, XOXO Kate. 

Leggings- JCPenny 
P.S- I thought it would be cute if I put Sophie in the picture because of the pillow, and being the primadonna that she is, she agreed. The camera loves her, to say the least.

Wanna see what I do to workout? Check in later this week for my Top Ten Workouts post. XOXO Kate

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